Stratus 9
At Stratus 9, we understand that private aviation is a complex and highly regulated industry.
In order to deliver the best value to our clients, we have partnered with some of the most renowned experts in the space, who have the experience and the qualifications to assist you in making well-informed decisions.
This unique knowledge means more than simply being a funding partner. We seek to understand your unique situation and requirements, to provide deeper, richer insights that translate into more flexible flying options, improved mission profile and optimized tax benefits.
Services Provided
Our financial, operational and strategic consulting services are designed to assist our clients at every stage of the process.
Operating Leases
Our fractional plan is designed around your and your co-owners needs. If you want more flight hours, or wish to sell more revenue hours to offset your expenses, we'll adapt to you.
Sale & Leaseback
The PC-12's outstanding flight performance allows access to short and unpaved runways, large payload capacity, and all weather conditions, giving you a wide range of missions.
Debt/Loan Structure
You benefit from fixed annual and hourly pricing, giving you peace of mind when organizing your trip. We'll take care of dispatch, coordinate services and any special needs for your trip.
Have a Question?
Speak to a business aviation expert about financing your next aircraft.
Good things start with a conversation. Let's chat!

Get yourself one of these bad boys.