Private Aviation on the US West Coast

Reinventing private aviation on the US West Coast

No longer worry about losing money for every second your private plane is sitting in the hangar. All thanks to the convenience of fixed annual and hourly pricing based on your needs.

With a range of 1700 nautical miles, the Pilatus PC-12 makes it super easy and convenient to get around the West Coast without the heavy costs of a jet, but with all the same luxury and comfort. A 500-mile trip on the PC-12 would cost about half of what it would cost on a jet*.

Suits Your Needs

Adapt your ownership and costs to the number of hours that suits your needs, with the option to lease out some of your own hours for greater return.

Fixed Expenses

There are annual fixed expenses that are typically paid annually or spread across 4 quarters (e.g. aircraft maintenance, crew salaries, flight scheduling, etc.)

No Repositioning

Invoicing based on occupied hours in the aircraft - no positioning fees or hidden costs. Everything we do is clearly explained to you from the get-go.

Stratus 9 Fractional Ownership Benefits


There are no minimum flight times or flight windows required for booking, as long as the airplane is available. We fly when you want to fly.


Our standard package is limited to 4 owners, ensuring best availability, while leaving time for leasing out the aircraft and minimizing operational costs. 


If you're thinking of going a little further, you might need a jet. We have multiple jets in our network which you have access to as a Stratus 9 member.



The PC-12's outstanding flight performance allows access to short and unpaved runways, large payload capacity, and all weather conditions, giving you a wide range of missions.


The P&W PT gas turbine is well known for being one of the safest engines ever built. In over 7 million flight hour, the PC-12 has never had a fatality due to engine failure.


Fly with up to 8 passengers on board and still have room for luggage and pets. The large cargo door allows easy loading of oversized items and passengers with disabilities.

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Fractional Ownership Resources